Getting Fucked!

Mukesh Kumar
2 min readOct 21, 2020

It’s a term I first heard in Christian circles and I continue to associate it with that so like, part of the people who are saying “hook-up culture” are saying it because they think pre-marital sex is wrong and part of the people are using it to criticize a real phenomenon where people feel pressured to have sex or to do sexual things they don’t want to I think the problem with most takes on sexuality in our culture is that they’re either like “we glorify sex and pressure people to be sexual way too much” or “we are so puritanical and repressed about sexuality” and it’s a problem because it’s both. Like there’s a sense in which there’s so much shame and dirtiness associated with sex in our culture and there’s also a sense in which sex is such a huge priority for us culturally and people are in many ways expected to be sexual to be considered “normal” Like yeah it’s not healthy to treat sexuality as sinful and evil or make people feel shame about sex or act as if having sex makes a person “dirty,” but it’s also not healthy to act like you have to lose your virginity in high school, have sex within the first couple weeks of being in a relationship, have lots of sexual partners, or have sex at all to be “normal.” Like all of the above things are things teenagers have to evaluate growing up, it’s not like there are two mutually exclusive ideas about how our culture sees sex and we’re trying to figure out which one’s right, however Its like, we live in the loneliest, most alienated, most anhedonic generation so far, bc thats what the continued development of capitalism means for us as subjects. We are more atomized and disciplined and submissive than ever. Also I’m sorry but every generation before us fucked way more than we do. Every study shows us trending as having way less sex than boomers and gen x. Like I’m sorry ur frustrated that you get no good matches on tinder but I promise "social media is turning us all into decadent sluts" is, unfortunately, not a true statement.

"hook up culture" just say having sex. Just say casual, premarital sex. dont pretend like ur some elite critical voice talking about "a culture," u just hate the idea of casual sex for whatever reason.



Mukesh Kumar

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